Bentley Awards

Image of Bentley Awards logo with grey background

Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights is now accepting nominations for the 2024 Helen and Fred Bentley Awards of Excellence.

The purpose of the Helen & Fred Bentley Awards for Excellence of Achievement is to recognize and publicize outstanding achievements by Associate Organizations of Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights. The award aims to highlight program excellence in contraception within Action Canada's network of Associate Organizations.

The award is open to Associate Organizations of Action Canada in good standing who are registered charitable organizations. To have a program considered for the Bentley Awards, Associate Organizations must complete the short nomination form relating to that program (see instructions below). 


The program must be an existing program that has taken place in the last two years. This is a recognition award, not a grant or funding for a new programs or services. 

If your organization has been awarded the Bentley Award for a particular program, that program is no longer eligible unless it has substantially changed since the last time it was awarded. 

If your organization has been awarded a Bentley Award since 2022, you are not eligible to be nominated to this round of awards.


The Bentley Award Selection Committee will review all nominations and decide on the winners. The committee is comprised of individuals representing Action Canada, Associate Organizations, and the Edmonton Community Foundation (on behalf of Dr. Bentley).


The financial support for the Bentley Award is drawn from an endowment fund created at the Edmonton Community Foundation by Dr. Bentley. In past years, a first place award has had a cash value of $7,000 (CAD) and a second place award has had a cash value of $3,500 (CAD).

Nomination Form 

The below nomination form must be completed and submitted to Action Canada no later than October 4, 2024. Nominations will be judged based on a variety of factors including: the completeness of the form, its clarity, the number of people served by the program, the overall impact, community collaborations, community benefit, innovation, and excellence. The committee recognizes the diversity of Action Canada’s Associate Organizations and makes every effort to evaluate the projects within the context of the size and scope of each organization.

All content for a nomination must be included in the short form (below) and not in additional documents or attachments. The only exception to this is where the program has resulted in a publication, website, poster, video, or other tangible product – a copy of the product should be forwarded to the Selection Committee c/o Andrew Townsend at Action Canada ( 

For more information about the Bentley Awards, please contact

Deadline to Nominate

The application deadline is Friday October 4, 2024.

Fill out the nomination form here
Updated on 2024-07-02