United States announces expansion of the Global Gag Rule

On March 26th, 2019, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the further expansion of the Mexico City Policy, commonly known as the Global Gag Rule. The policy prevents NGOs receiving USAID global health funding from providing abortion services, making referrals to abortion services, educating people about safe abortion, or sub-granting to organizations who do any of this work.

The new policy interpretation introduces even harsher guidelines, with compliance requirements now expanding beyond USAID funding and affecting programming supported by other funders, including Canadian international assistance and funding from private foundations and other non-U.S. bilateral donors. While the full extent of these changes is not yet known - experts predict that the changes will have a catastrophic effect on global health and service delivery around the world.

Action Canada is gravely concerned about the expanded interpretation of the Mexico City Policy and how it will implicate Canadian organizations and Canadian international assistance.

PAI created an explainer of what this expanded Global Gag Rule means
Posté sur 2019-04-25
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