December 18, 2023
Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,
We write to you from Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights to urge you to keep your promise to ensure status for all.
People who are undocumented face significant and sometimes insurmountable barriers to essential healthcare services, and specifically to timely abortion care. We see the impact of this through our Access Line. This year, the line received an average of 400 calls per month from across Canada, the majority of which were related to abortion care. Over 45% of those who went on to receive our financial and logistical assistance to access care were uninsured, undocumented, or had precarious migration status.
For those who disproportionately experience financial strain, out-of-pocket costs for health care mean a functional denial of care. We echo the demands of the Migrant Rights Network and urge you to support a one-step, no-exclusions regularization program that is uncapped and includes all undocumented people and their families.
Decisive action on regularization represents an opportunity for greater health equity, in alignment with Canada’s obligations to respect, protect, and fulfill the rights of all people in Canada.
Kelly Bowden
Director of Policy, Advocacy and Government Relations
Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights