Action Canada Joins over 100 organizations Up for Debate

Alongside over 100 women’s organizations and their allies, Action Canada is part of Up for Debate – a campaign calling on all federal political parties to make meaningful commitments to change women’s lives for the better, at home and around the world.

Women in Canada have questions, Up for Debate challenges our leaders to answer them. When it comes time to elect our next government in 2015, we want to see party leaders explain how they plan to build a more equal Canada for us all. This must start by committing to participate in a nationally broadcast leaders’ debate focused on policies and issues that impact women’s lives.

In Canada, women continue to earn 20% less than their male peers for the same full-time work, are more likely to be poor, and do twice as much unpaid work at home. Since 1980, over a thousand Aboriginal women and girls have been murdered, and each day more than 8,000 women and children seek protection from a shelter.

Around the world, women face economic exclusion and marginalization. Violence against women is endemic, and sexual violence continues to be used as a weapon in armed conflict. Every year 14 million girls are married against their will before they turn 18. Women still account for only nine per cent of the police, 20 per cent of parliamentarians, and 27 per cent of all judges worldwide.

The struggle to realize equal rights for women and girls is far from over. Women can determine the outcome of the next federal election. Women vote in greater numbers – over a half million more women than men voted in the last federal election. We want proof that the candidates for Prime Minister understand the diverse needs and realities of women.

We’re up for the debate. The question is, are the party leaders?

The Alliance for Women’s Rights is a network of over 100 women’s organizations and allies from across Canada united in raising awareness about women’s rights in the lead up to the next federal election. You can follow the Up For Debate campaign on Twitter and Facebook.

To learn more about the campaign, visit

Posted on 2014-12-22
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